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Felicia Day Kathryn Felicia Day
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Actress, Writer, Producer
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Felicia Day net worth

$ 4.75K - $ 28.5K *

Felicia Day income

$ 3
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ 60
last 30 days
$ 286
last 90 days

Felicia Day has achieved considerable success throughout her career, which has contributed to her net worth. However, specific details about her net worth are not publicly disclosed. Being a multi-talented individual, Day has earned income from various sources, including acting, writing, producing, and her online presence. Her entrepreneurial ventures, such as her web series and merchandise, have also likely contributed to her financial success.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Felicia Day estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 26
March 2024$ 115
February 2024$ 82
January 2024$ 59
December 2023$ 47
November 2023$ 106
October 2023$ 131
July 2023$ 62
June 2023$ 17
May 2023$ 37
April 2023$ 39
March 2023$ 34
February 2023$ 35
January 2023$ 43
December 2022$ 26
November 2022$ 57
October 2022$ 46
September 2022$ 92
August 2022$ 23
July 2022$ 32
June 2022$ 33
May 2022$ 30

Felicia Day Frequently Asked Questions

What is Felicia Day's most famous role?

One of Felicia Day's most famous roles is her portrayal of 'Codex' in the web series 'The Guild.'

Is Felicia Day married?

As of the provided information, Felicia Day's marital status is not publicly known.

Has Felicia Day written any books?

Yes, Felicia Day is the author of the book 'You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost),' a memoir where she discusses her experiences in the entertainment industry and her online presence.

What other TV shows or films has Felicia Day been a part of?

Apart from her role in 'The Guild,' Felicia Day has appeared in numerous TV shows and films, including 'Supernatural,' 'Eureka,' and 'Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.'

Does Felicia Day have any siblings?

Yes, Felicia Day has a brother named Ryon Day, who is also involved in the gaming industry.

What is the inspiration behind Felicia Day's channel?

Felicia Day's channel was inspired by her love for gaming, geek culture, and connecting with like-minded individuals. She wanted to create a space where she could share her passions and engage with her audience.

How did Felicia Day gain recognition?

Felicia Day gained recognition through her web series 'The Guild,' which garnered a dedicated fanbase and critical acclaim. She also gained wider visibility through her appearances in popular TV shows and films.

Does Felicia Day have any pets?

As of the provided information, there is no specific mention of Felicia Day having any pets.